Court-Records: An Ace Attorney Fansite

Important information about this in-development beta

Navbar content

Feel free to discuss the navbar here. Let us know our prioritizations are right and the correct items are easily accessible.

I updated the navbar to be about 20-22% smaller (depending on your screen size). It now takes up less space on the screen and the smaller text is less distracting. Note that it will take a while for the update to appear on the site.

I experimented with darker background colors for the navbar but decided to leave it as is. Because all the text in the navbar is brightly colored links it is actually less distracting to have a bright background. The darker one made the bright links standout too much.

Will you guys be adding the "Media' tab to the sidebar? I quite regularly go there on the current CR to find sprites for reference. I know character sprites could go under the "Character" pages (Like how the AA Wiki organises things), but as for backgrounds and other rips/artbook scans, where are they planning to be?

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