Court-Records: An Ace Attorney Fansite

Important information about this in-development beta

The Crimson Badger

Chapter 2: Dischord

“Listen kid -- you break it, you buy it.”

“Dari,” Alexi sighs, “she’s not gonna break anything on my watch. Be nice, okay?”

“I am bein’ nice.”

Worlds apart from their hushed conversation, Kay wastes no time climbing each raised level of the stage until she stands upon the summit. From her noble perch, she can see all of Gatewater Land, serving as its watchful guardian… or at least, most of it. Maybe half? She visors a hand across her brow and looks out across the crowded avenues, the game booths, the distant silhouette of the ferris wheel. All the splendors of this candy-colored kingdom lay before her, hiding all sorts of secrets from those who cannot see the truth. Her eyes follow a red balloon as it floats a lonely journey into the clouds, let go by a child.

“Sail on, brave warrior,” she murmurs.

“Aw, man. I want some balloons.” Kay blinks and looks to her left, where Alexi is now sitting. His legs dangle and sway over the edge of the raised platform. “Wonder if we’ll get any today. Dunno if parks handing out complimentary balloons is really a thing, though.”

“You could always steal some.” She grins, wiping a finger over her upper lip. “If you follow my lead, we’ll make like bandits!”

“Well sure, I could. But like, should I? That’s the real question.” Alexi laughs, resting his chin in his palm. “Wouldn’t be a good look for the band if I went around stealing balloons.”

“They’re just balloons. A little plastic, a little string.” Daryan scoffs. “They won’t miss a few, if you really need ‘em that bad.”

“Dari, don’t be a bad influence.”

“Hey, she suggested it. When are you gonna quit being a goody-two-shoes, huh? Sometimes I wonder if you do that just to piss me off.”

“What? No, I… oh, hey!” Alexi perks up, waving as Klavier and Mr. Edgeworth come into view. “Took you guys long enough.”

“You were sprinting, Lexi. How could we hope to catch up? I’m glad the little Fraulein didn’t slip and fall.”

“Not to worry -- the Great Yatagarasu is well-practiced in feats of strength and dexterity! No thief worth their ski mask would make a goof like that.”

“Okay, yeah.” Daryan rolls his eyes. “Can we go over the set for tonight? Playtime’s over.”

“Oh hey, sure! Kay, you wanna hear a few songs?” Alexi beams, hopping to his feet. “You n’ Mr. Edgeworth get front row seats.”

“You bet I do!”

Mr. Edgeworth closes his eyes and sighs through his nose. Surely he must be steeling himself for the hidden power of The Gavinners’ songs. Kay giggles.

“We all ready?” Alexi hops down to the main stage level, kneeling to check on the bass amp. “Lemme just hook up-- oh! Forgot my bass inside. Be right back!”

In a blur of crimson, Alexi runs back to the dressing room. Kay gives a low whistle. “Dang, he’s so fast. His speed almost rivals my own.”

“All his strength went into his legs. That’s why he’s got nothin’ left over for his brain.” Daryan cackles, adjusting his guitar. “Trust me, he’s always been like that.”

“It’s gone!”

All heads turn at the yell coming from the dressing room. Soon after comes Alexi, his mane all frizzed up and his breath short. “My bass -- I thought I left it in the dressing room, but… but…”

“Maybe you just left it somewhere else, Lexi.” Klavier frowns. “Keep looking.”

“No, I… you all saw it, right? I left it by the wall, where it usually is! And my belt, that’s gone too!” Suddenly aware, Alexi yanks his pants up a little higher. Mr. Edgeworth holds a palm to his forehead.

Tapping her chin, Kay nods. That’s exactly where the bass was… he put it down to help Daryan get up, didn’t he? And the belt was right there on the floor, near the doorway.

“It didn’t disappear into thin air, Lex. Just go look harder. We don’t have time for this crap, the show’s in five hours.”

“Well it’s not in the dressing room, and I didn’t bring a backup. Just help me look around the stage, okay?”

“Lexi,” Klavier’s voice sharpens, his princely demeanor wavering. “Daryan is right -- we only have five hours before the concert. We can’t give a messy performance, not after rehearsing for months. This is unprofessional. If our work isn’t perfect, we have no right to perform at all.”

“Hey c’mon, don’t be like that -- I swear, I left in the room! I dunno what else to tell ya!”

“Hold it!”

Everybody’s focus snaps to Kay, who stands atop a nearby amp. Her scarf flutters as a cutting wind swirls past. “If something’s gone missing, we can stage an investigation! We’ve got five hours, don’t we? That’s plenty of time.”

“Kid, listen,” Daryan snorts, “it’s not the end of the world. I’ll just cover for Lex -- nobody’s gonna miss a bass all that much. Second guitar can compensate.”

Alexi nods a slight, looking the other way. “Dari’s right.”

“No he’s not! He’s a jerk!”

“Kay,” Mr. Edgeworth interjects, “that’s--”

“Oh come on, just listen to me!” Kay jabs a finger at Klavier. “You’re the boss, aren’t you? Let’s make a deal. I bet I can find that bass before the concert starts in five hours… and y’know what? I bet I can find it in even less than five hours. Give me two. That’s all I need. Me and Mr. Edgeworth are the most thorough team you’ll ever meet!”

“What? Hold on, Kay -- I don’t recall volunteering!”

“You know you’ll do it anyway.”


“Well? Do you accept my challenge?”

Klavier closes his eyes.

“... fine. We start now. Herr Edgeworth and I will go investigate the dressing room. Daryan, you go to security, just in case.”

“Security? Why?”

“Just in case,” Klavier snaps, “it was stolen. Now go and file a report with them.”

“This is so complicated. Lex will live not playing one show, yeah? Won’t you, Lex?”

“I mean, I… yeah. If it’s too much of a headache, it’s fine.” Alexi rubs the back of his neck. “Dari can cover for me.”

“No way!” Kay puts both hands on her hips. “You and me are gonna turn this stage upside-down and find that bass so you can play tonight! So let’s get to it, all of you. Split up and search for clues!”

Daryan exchanges a look with Klavier. After a tense silence, Klavier waves him off. “Alright, Fraulein. Two hours. Let’s begin. Lexi -- stay with Kay.” Turning away, he motions for Mr. Edgeworth to follow. He waves, not looking back. “Alles gute, you two.”