Court-Records: An Ace Attorney Fansite

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OCC2016! (FanArt) Hegemony X

Poster: BinaryAlto



Entrant's Name: BinaryAlto
Entrant's Website (optional):YouEntrant's Name: BinaryAlto
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Character's Name:Hegemony X (Hegemony Antia)
Age: 22
Occupation:Student/Ex defense attorney

Brief Physical Description: Theme Song(Created by me!) :
5'6 1/2, brown skin, green eyes, peach hair. Always holding orb. She's not skinny but shes not fat either. Because shes Egyptian she doesn't tan, She looks young and can change form. When she does transform she's 5'8 thicker, and her hair grows longer and messier.
She usually wheres her priestliest clothes with her Magatama on her headband.
When she transforms she takes the dress off leaving her leggings on but still wearing the top. The beads around he waist are moved to the orb.

Brief Personality Description:
Hegemony, despite her looks has a big mouth. Her mouth gets her into so much trouble, lucky for her she's a royal priestess in Egypt so she has never been punished back home for being rude. She has a really bad attitude and has a hard time staying committed to anything. Though she has her negative traits, she still feels love and compassion for other. Which is why she became a defense attorney.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable):She came to Khura'in to learn more about her ability to speak with the dead. She met Maya here through Abbot Tahrust Inmee, being their teacher.

Brief Background: Hegemony X or Hegemony Antia is an Egyptian traveler. Shes 1 or 7 other siblings and is the second youngest.She changed her last name to X because she no longer believed in the Anita ways. Being that she is young she cannot say much to anyone. She is not to speak unspoken to. Hegemony has a big mouth and doesn't know how to bite her tongue getting her into a lot of trouble.He lack of self control made her into a bright and excellent defense attorney.

Hegemony can speak to spirits.Whenever she'd try to tell someone they'd brush her off or tell her she was talking to the gods.She knew that wasn't correct so she decided to move away from home and find out who she was really talking to.

The orb she carries was once a ball she had a kid. She and her one of her sisters actually found the ball somewhere far from home. They never told their parents. The sprits she's been talking to come in and out of the ball as they please so she move to Khura'in to learn how to chose who enters the ball/orb or not.

Her Form: Everyone in Hegemony's Family can change form. Not like into animals but they transform into the opposite personality. Her form is much more shy and follows the law to a T. When she does take form the glow from the orb turns black and she can talk to sprites in her mind.

Character's Name:Hegemony X (Hegemony Antia)
Age: 22
Occupation:Student/Ex defense attorney

Brief Physical Description: Theme Song(Created by me!) :
5'6 1/2, brown skin, green eyes, peach hair. Always holding orb. She's not skinny but shes not fat either. Because shes Egyptian she doesn't tan, She looks young and can change form. When she does transform she's 5'8 thicker, and her hair grows longer and messier.
She usually wheres her priestliest clothes with her Magatama on her headband.
When she transforms she takes the dress off leaving her leggings on but still wearing the top. The beads around he waist are moved to the orb.

Brief Personality Description:
Hegemony, despite her looks has a big mouth. Her mouth gets her into so much trouble, lucky for her she's a royal priestess in Egypt so she has never been punished back home for being rude. She has a really bad attitude and has a hard time staying committed to anything. Though she has her negative traits, she still feels love and compassion for other. Which is why she became a defense attorney.

Connection to canon characters (if applicable):She came to Khura'in to learn more about her ability to speak with the dead. She met Maya here through Abbot Tahrust Inmee, being their teacher.

Brief Background: Hegemony X or Hegemony Antia is an Egyptian traveler. Shes 1 or 7 other siblings and is the second youngest.She changed her last name to X because she no longer believed in the Anita ways. Being that she is young she cannot say much to anyone. She is not to speak unspoken to. Hegemony has a big mouth and doesn't know how to bite her tongue getting her into a lot of trouble.He lack of self control made her into a bright and excellent defense attorney.

Hegemony can speak to spirits.Whenever she'd try to tell someone they'd brush her off or tell her she was talking to the gods.She knew that wasn't correct so she decided to move away from home and find out who she was really talking to.

The orb she carries was once a ball she had a kid. She and her one of her sisters actually found the ball somewhere far from home. They never told their parents. The sprits she's been talking to come in and out of the ball as they please so she move to Khura'in to learn how to chose who enters the ball/orb or not.

Her Form: Everyone in Hegemony's Family can change form. Not like into animals but they transform into the opposite personality. Her form is much more shy and follows the law to a T. When she does take form the glow from the orb turns black and she can talk to sprites in her mind.